A Little About Us
We are Harry, from The Netherlands, and Fernanda, from Brazil. We met at YWAM in South Africa in 2020 and married the following year. While living in The Netherlands, God called us to attend Charis Bible College in Colorado. We recently graduated with a God-given life vision for our ministry. We are moving to our home base in São Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo is a big city and home to more than 20 million people, including several refugees from around the world and many slums, making it a strategic place to make connections for Unreached People Groups.
Steps for 2024
May - July 2024
Trip to The Netherlands
Serving our home church Hope4You
Visiting family and friends
Preaching in local churches
Street evangelism
August - December 2024
Moving to Brazil
Establish a home base
Learn Portuguese
Connect and start working with local churches
Ministry in the favelas
Ministry to refugees
Missions mobilization training in churches
August 25th at 7:30pm - First Baptist Church of Seropédica
August 27th at 2:00pm - UFRRJ University Chaplaincy
September 1st at 9:00am and 7:00pm - Central Baptist Church in Seropédica (IBCS)
September 3th-20th - YWAM Comunities/Borel in Rio de Janeiro
September 28th at 10:00am and 7:00pm - Vine Christian Community in Niterói
October 15th-24th - One in Him (Mission Trip in Brazil)
October 28th-November 7th - One in Him (Mission Trip in Brazil)
November 17th at 9:00am - Congregational Church in Ribeirão Preto
November 24th at 7:00pm - Smyrna Church in Ribeirão Preto
November 30th at 7:30pm - Be one - Youth Movement in Ribeirão Preto
December 1st at 9:00am - Family Missiomary Church in Ribeirão Preto
December 1st at 7:30pm - Presbyterian Church of Christ the Redeemer in Ribeirão Preto
December 8th at 9:00am / 11:00am / 18:00pm - Church Voice in Ribreirão Preto
December 13th-January12th - in Jequié
"I love seeing people understanding their true identity, who God created them to be, living a life in deep fellowship with Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. Being able to teach the Word of God with love and passion, imparting grace, purpose and transformation is exciting for me!"
Fernanda de Visser
"I want to impact this generation with the Gospel. My heart burns for Jesus, He has changed my life completely and He will do the same for others!"
Harry de Visser
See every nation and tribe be transformed by the gospel!
Bring Jesus to this generation and empower the Church to accomplish the Great Commission!
Evangelism and Discipleship
Church Mobilization
Strategic Mission Trainings
Mission Trips
We appreciate your prayers and partnership to cover our funds for housing, monthly expenses, and ministry resources.
Netherlands Bank Account:
NL78 INGB 0002 3920 91
In the name of: Family de Visser
Brazilian Bank Account:
Banco do Brasil
Agencia: 2665-4 Conta Corrente: 25064-3
Pix: devisserministries@gmail.com
In the name of: Fernanda Mascarenhas de Visser